"Your voices matter, your dreams matter, your lives matter. Be the roses that grow in the concrete." -Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give
For some strange reason, I feel it necessary to explain the purpose of this blog. I have loved reading ever since I can remember which is probably kindergarten (about three decades ago in case you're wondering). Anyway, reading in school was so much fun for me because I could share what I was reading with a class or wonderful school librarians. However, now as an adult, sharing my readings has become a bit more difficult because some of us adults are "too busy" to read or just plain don't like reading or me. So, with all this technology and "instant" connectivity surrounding me, it became a bright idea one day to start a book blog. Now this book blog, my book blog, is probably unlike any other (I hope), for I am quite an interestingly peculiar being, like a unicorn or a platypus. That being said, I make up my own comma rules and some of my thoughts may be bizarre, funky, eccentric, outlandish, or long winded while others my be concise and to the point.
And just in case you did not read the blog description here it is again but different...you have entered a digital space called Sentiments of a Black Bibliophage. Hmm, Sentiments of a Black Bibliophage, what could that mean?
Well first of all, I'm black (descendant of Africans) and I greatly enjoy reading and collecting books hence the word bibliophage (bibliophagist is also an acceptable term and bibliophile is similar). That description of me can help you understand my point of view. Second of all, this word sentiments, I use it to describe what I will be sharing through my writings on this blog; that includes my thoughts, views, and emotions about books I have read. Therefore this blog will serve as an outlet for me after reading those thingys with pages and words. Third of all I mostly read fiction and books written by black authors (yes because I'm black), however I do not limit myself in what I read. I just have certain interest. I hope to make this blog well rounded but it may lean to one side or another, just a heads up. So opinions may be valued but remember, they are just that, opinions.
As the author of this blog, I'm telling you not to expect book reviews, expect exactly what I explained above, my thoughts and opinions (Ahh see what I did there, I bet some of you said prayers in your head. Not funny...ok).
Last but not least, SPOILERS! That's a Doctor Who reference in case you didn't know.
Until you read again,
The Black Bibliophage
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